The 2-day final meeting of the BeCircular project took place at the completion of the project, making it a great opportunity for all the partners to meet in person, discuss operational topics present the projects outcomes to the local society and leverage ideas for new collaborations. The first part of the meeting was held on 19th October at the Lynx Mountain Resort, Hill of St. Panteleimon, Florina, and comprised of an open and a closed session.
Dr. Ioannis Fallas, Director of CluBE, welcomed the participants and started the closed session, which aimed at the detailed overview of the project and all the activities, accomplished throughout the project’s implementation, where each project partner presented the activities related to their organization.
The open session summarized the project’s activities and bridged them with other European and national projects. Mr. Vasileios Balachtsis, Project Manager at CluBE, opened the session with the project’s video, summarizing the project activities, and briefly presented the project outcomes. Afterwards, Dr. Vasileios Ambas, regional counselor, with his presentation pointed out the significant role of the Interreg programme in the Region of Western Macedonia and referred to the new programming period 2021-2027, while Dr. Athina Krestou, assistant professor at UoWM, explained the role of the University as a development pillar in the region of Western Macedonia.
Dr. Elpida Samara, assistant professor at UoWM and business consultant, presented 3 business plans on circular economy, developed as part of the project, that has been used to train local entrepreneurs on bio-waste management and utilization and inspire them to develop their own business, boosting employment.
Finally, an open discussion among project partners, speakers and participants from the local society took place, leveraging ideas for new collaborations.